
Encrypted portable hard drive
Encrypted portable hard drive

encrypted portable hard drive

A Change Encryption Password confirmation window opens. Enter and re-enter a new password and click Change.The second Change Encryption Password window opens. Enter your current Encryption password and click Next.The first of two Change Password windows opens. Note: Your encrypted files and folders will not be completely secure unless you delete the original, unencrypted versions from your computer.

encrypted portable hard drive

When you are finished encrypting files, close the Encryption folder.Delete the original, unencrypted versions of the files and folders from your computer.Drag files and folders into your Encryption folder as you would into any folder.In addition, you should close your encryption folder before deleting it or changing its password. Your Encryption password is attached to the Encryption folder and not to the files and folders stored within it. Be sure to use a password you’ll remember you’ll need it each time you want to access the files and folders stored in the Encryption folder. Your password must contain at least six characters, with a minimum of one letter and one number. Enter and re-enter a password that will you will use to open your Encryption folder.Click Encryption in the Security window.Click Security in the Command panel to open the Security window.This document hosts several tutorials for common operations related to encryption and decryption:

Encrypted portable hard drive